crosstab_sdg calculates cross tables (aka contingency tables) of SGSs or systems across hits identified via detect_sdg_systems.

crosstab_sdg(hits, compare = c("systems", "sdgs"), systems = NULL, sdgs = NULL)



data frame as returned by detect_sdg_systems. Must include columns document, sdg, system, and hit.


character specifying whether systems or SDGs should be cross tabulated.


character vector specifying the query systems to be cross tabulated. Values must be available in the system column of hits. Defaults to NULL in which case available values are retrieved from hits.


numeric vector with integers between 1 and 17 specifying the SDGs to be cross tabluated. Values must be available in the sdg column of hits. Defaults to NULL in which case available values are retrieved from hits.


matrix showing correlation coefficients for all pairs of query systems (if compare = "systems") or SDGs (if compare = "SDGs").


crosstab_sdg determines correlations between either query systems or SDGs. The respectively other dimension will be ignored. Note that correlations between SDGs may vary between query systems.


# \donttest{
# run sdg detection
hits <- detect_sdg_systems(projects)
#> Running Aurora
#> Running Elsevier
#> Running Auckland
#> Running SIRIS

# create cross table of systems
#>           Auckland    Aurora  Elsevier     SIRIS
#> Auckland 1.0000000 0.2590583 0.7544995 0.3249410
#> Aurora   0.2590583 1.0000000 0.2434814 0.3028867
#> Elsevier 0.7544995 0.2434814 1.0000000 0.2702591
#> SIRIS    0.3249410 0.3028867 0.2702591 1.0000000

# create cross table of systems
crosstab_sdg(hits, compare = "sdgs")
#>              SDG-01       SDG-02       SDG-03       SDG-04       SDG-05
#> SDG-01  1.000000000 -0.009764754  0.059237226 -0.006885604  0.104430296
#> SDG-02 -0.009764754  1.000000000  0.145704501  0.056974517 -0.005279730
#> SDG-03  0.059237226  0.145704501  1.000000000 -0.005145467  0.023353069
#> SDG-04 -0.006885604  0.056974517 -0.005145467  1.000000000 -0.003722995
#> SDG-05  0.104430296 -0.005279730  0.023353069 -0.003722995  1.000000000
#> SDG-06  0.086736183 -0.006250195 -0.009769492 -0.004407317 -0.002966941
#> SDG-07 -0.010204113  0.076428642 -0.022998943 -0.008195795 -0.005517289
#> SDG-08  0.169410578 -0.009764754 -0.020993780 -0.006885604  0.104430296
#> SDG-09 -0.006563516 -0.007476041 -0.019144453 -0.005271721 -0.003548845
#> SDG-10  0.163412597 -0.016537845  0.039462208  0.120857005  0.188410675
#> SDG-11  0.274225536 -0.014278372 -0.023637132 -0.010068377 -0.006777883
#> SDG-12 -0.006885604 -0.007842908 -0.038342026 -0.005530417 -0.003722995
#> SDG-13 -0.015569858  0.011578744 -0.049167368 -0.012505484 -0.008418507
#> SDG-14  0.048847182  0.040709128 -0.049133820 -0.007087015 -0.004770874
#> SDG-15  0.023243833  0.082225285 -0.043852800 -0.011153749 -0.007508539
#> SDG-16  0.061376125 -0.015632809 -0.051034572 -0.011023456  0.061610130
#> SDG-17 -0.003588680 -0.004087613  0.011736237 -0.002882375 -0.001940373
#>              SDG-06       SDG-07       SDG-08       SDG-09       SDG-10
#> SDG-01  0.086736183 -0.010204113  0.169410578 -0.006563516  0.163412597
#> SDG-02 -0.006250195  0.076428642 -0.009764754 -0.007476041 -0.016537845
#> SDG-03 -0.009769492 -0.022998943 -0.020993780 -0.019144453  0.039462208
#> SDG-04 -0.004407317 -0.008195795 -0.006885604 -0.005271721  0.120857005
#> SDG-05 -0.002966941 -0.005517289  0.104430296 -0.003548845  0.188410675
#> SDG-06  1.000000000 -0.006531419  0.086736183 -0.004201156  0.046024611
#> SDG-07 -0.006531419  1.000000000  0.089836209 -0.007812421 -0.017281955
#> SDG-08  0.086736183  0.089836209  1.000000000  0.070654322  0.056653496
#> SDG-09 -0.004201156 -0.007812421  0.070654322  1.000000000 -0.011116144
#> SDG-10  0.046024611 -0.017281955  0.056653496 -0.011116144  1.000000000
#> SDG-11  0.055656612 -0.014920819  0.151327925  0.097040462  0.077059029
#> SDG-12 -0.004407317  0.240161637  0.140400047 -0.005271721 -0.011661641
#> SDG-13  0.093576002  0.037626564  0.084343668 -0.011920515 -0.026369522
#> SDG-14 -0.005647806 -0.010502594 -0.008823635  0.068305673 -0.014943941
#> SDG-15  0.106548726 -0.016529285  0.060374557 -0.010632010 -0.023519204
#> SDG-16 -0.008784847  0.015323100  0.061376125  0.038365731  0.224516291
#> SDG-17 -0.002297032 -0.004271533 -0.003588680 -0.002747547 -0.006077883
#>              SDG-11       SDG-12       SDG-13       SDG-14       SDG-15
#> SDG-01  0.274225536 -0.006885604 -0.015569858  0.048847182  0.023243833
#> SDG-02 -0.014278372 -0.007842908  0.011578744  0.040709128  0.082225285
#> SDG-03 -0.023637132 -0.038342026 -0.049167368 -0.049133820 -0.043852800
#> SDG-04 -0.010068377 -0.005530417 -0.012505484 -0.007087015 -0.011153749
#> SDG-05 -0.006777883 -0.003722995 -0.008418507 -0.004770874 -0.007508539
#> SDG-06  0.055656612 -0.004407317  0.093576002 -0.005647806  0.106548726
#> SDG-07 -0.014920819  0.240161637  0.037626564 -0.010502594 -0.016529285
#> SDG-08  0.151327925  0.140400047  0.084343668 -0.008823635  0.060374557
#> SDG-09  0.097040462 -0.005271721 -0.011920515  0.068305673 -0.010632010
#> SDG-10  0.077059029 -0.011661641 -0.026369522 -0.014943941 -0.023519204
#> SDG-11  1.000000000  0.040782011  0.092217051  0.066741189  0.030971638
#> SDG-12  0.040782011  1.000000000  0.028834958  0.064498999  0.034936123
#> SDG-13  0.092217051  0.028834958  1.000000000  0.113472022  0.287436788
#> SDG-14  0.066741189  0.064498999  0.113472022  1.000000000  0.057894262
#> SDG-15  0.030971638  0.034936123  0.287436788  0.057894262  1.000000000
#> SDG-16  0.083645528 -0.011023456 -0.003846999 -0.014126131 -0.022232112
#> SDG-17 -0.005247496 -0.002882375 -0.006517682 -0.003693652 -0.005813176
#>              SDG-16       SDG-17
#> SDG-01  0.061376125 -0.003588680
#> SDG-02 -0.015632809 -0.004087613
#> SDG-03 -0.051034572  0.011736237
#> SDG-04 -0.011023456 -0.002882375
#> SDG-05  0.061610130 -0.001940373
#> SDG-06 -0.008784847 -0.002297032
#> SDG-07  0.015323100 -0.004271533
#> SDG-08  0.061376125 -0.003588680
#> SDG-09  0.038365731 -0.002747547
#> SDG-10  0.224516291 -0.006077883
#> SDG-11  0.083645528 -0.005247496
#> SDG-12 -0.011023456 -0.002882375
#> SDG-13 -0.003846999 -0.006517682
#> SDG-14 -0.014126131 -0.003693652
#> SDG-15 -0.022232112 -0.005813176
#> SDG-16  1.000000000 -0.005745270
#> SDG-17 -0.005745270  1.000000000
# }